O.k, this is the time for resolutions, right? Well, I've been seeing a lot of one word resolutions pop up around the blogosphere. Now, I'm not a resolution type of gal, but for some reason the one word resolution seems to resonate with me. I've seen beauty, simplicity and connection as well as others. Hmmm...what would my one word be? I was thinking of this as I was organizing my house for pretty much 3 days straight. Does the answer lie somewhere hidden in the organizing? Or does it have anything to do with the new blog?
Two words seem to jump out at me while I contemplate this. The first one is gratitude. This really resonates with me and it's the reason I changed the name of my blog from By the Maple Tree to Many Blessings. I have so much to be grateful for and I don't want one day to slip by without truly feeling thankful for all that I have been given. The love, the laughter, the beauty-such gifts.
The other word is focus. This is a hard one for me. I struggle with this one in my homeschooling and my personal life. I get side-tracked. I tend to go with what inspires me but then I miss out on the feeling of accomplishment that comes with sticking with, and focusing on, one project until it is completed. I'm feeling the need to clear the clutter in my mind and my home so I can focus on my goals.
So...focus it will be. I'm resisting this even as I write. :) I will work on living out my values and not get side-tracked by life. I will, I will, I will finish projects, and books, and e-mails. I will take time to settle my mind and live in the moment. What would your one word be?
Lol I just posted my word then came to read yours - too funny!
"Great minds think alike"
lol :)
Posted by: Penny in VT | 01/05/2010 at 08:37 AM
PS: Right there with ya regarding paragraphs 3 and 4... I love "take time to settle my mind and live in the moment"... well put and well intentioned. :)
It wil be fun to chat and see how you're doing this - I'm starting by clearing off the bookshelves of all that fantastic curricula that just doesn't work for us. Really, what was I thinking? There is one curricula that I'm sticking with for guidance, and I AM going to stick with it, it's always worked well in the past, and the grass has NOT proven greener elsewhere, kwim?
I'll be doing a post about this one of these days, but just wanted to show you that you're not alone!
Rock on friend!
Posted by: Penny in VT | 01/05/2010 at 08:50 AM
Getting side-tracked by life is what it is all about! Live life in the moment by letting go of the plan (or curricula), take a deep breath and enjoy the moment just as it is. Oh, I am sorry if I am causing you to not focus!! Not really, I like that about you (like that unfinished tree on the wall). Focus is way over-rated, as are unfinished books and email!
OK, have at me:)
Posted by: Andrea | 01/05/2010 at 02:58 PM
Andrea, you are trouble, aren't you! ;) That's what I like about you. But. . .I'm thinking you can live in the moment while following through with goals/plans that are important to you.
Posted by: Jane | 01/05/2010 at 03:30 PM
So much to think about here. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on goals this year. I like your word, too, by the way. :)
Posted by: Tammy | 01/05/2010 at 04:14 PM